Webinar Series
Webinar library: course content, demonstrations and topics of interest
We deliver webinars regularly on various topics such as Unconscious Bias, Microlearning or Soft Skills training. We also host regular product demonstrations with our Totara Partners.
Feel free to browse recordings of past webinars as well as details and links to register for future events. For any questions relating to this series please email us sales@engageinlearning.com
Making the Most of Home Working
As many of us have discovered, working remotely and communicating virtually can make it difficult for a team to achieve high performance… and indeed to even feel like you are working in a team. But this can be overcome and even used to your advantage.
Our webinar on our new Managing Remote Workers course will show how this course will explore the virtual barriers to high performance, and give some practical tips on how to use technology to overcome them.
Pathways to Success – can a blended approach deliver soft skills effectively?
John Polak and Mark Edmonds from Engage in Learning looked at the role of eLearning as part of blended approach to training and development. Using case studies, John presented how Engage in Learning courses have been used in customer companies to achieve significant results.
Mark gave a demonstration of our course features and answered delegate questions. He demonstrated a fantastic NEW feature that is available to all Customers: a customised learning environment theme as well as a step-by-step guide to using our unique in-course Editor tool.
Can eLearning deliver Safety safely?
Join Sharon Clift and Kelly Jenkins-Shaw from Engage in Learning at 10.00am on 10th December for a highly interactive session looking at how you can safely deliver Health and Safety training using eLearning; and why Engage in Learning courses are the perfect choice!
Sharon will talk about the advantages of using online training and Kelly will give a demonstration of our course features and answer any questions that you may have. She will also demonstrate a fantastic NEW feature that is available to all Customers: a customised learning environment theme.
What is a Zero Tolerance approach to Bullying?
Sian Ingleby and Kelly Jenkins-Shaw from Engage in Learning presented a highly interactive session looking at Bullying. Sian talked about how we can work together to spot possible signs of bullying, what affect bullying has on mental health and what laws currently apply. This highly interactive session gave you the opportunity to see a demonstration of our Bullying course and to ask any questions that you may have.
Modern Slavery
Another chance to join Kelly Jenkins and Alexandra Wilson for an introduction to Modern Slavery law in the UK. Kelly will introduce the topic and will include some startling facts and figures around the role of the UK in human trafficking as well as examples of what constitutes modern slavery in 2019. She will also look at the responsibilities of UK companies to provide data on suspected cases of modern slavery in their supply chains.. This highly interactive session will give you the opportunity to see a demonstration of our Modern Slavery course and to ask any questions that you may have.
Let's Be Positive About Mental Health
Sian Ingleby joined Alexandra Wilson from Engage in Learning at 10.00am on 18th September for a highly interactive session looking at Mental Health in the Workplace. Sian talked about how we can work together to spot possible signs of mental illness, how Managers can create a supportive environment and what we can do as individuals to look after our own mental health too. This highly interactive session gave attendees the opportunity to see a demonstration of our Positive Mental Health Awareness course and to ask any questions.
Modern Slavery - what next for UK business?
Kelly Jenkins and Alexandra Wilson from Engage in Learning gave an introduction to Modern Slavery law in the UK. Kelly introduced the topic and included some startling facts and figures around the role of the UK in human trafficking as well as examples of what constitutes modern slavery in 2019. She also looked at the responsibilities of UK companies to provide data on suspected cases of modern slavery in their supply chains.. This highly interactive session offered all attendees the opportunity to see a demonstration of our Modern Slavery course and to ask questions about the role eLearning can play in awareness.
All about Totara Learn – a functionality review
Mark Edmonds from Engage in Learning together with Meredith Henson of Totara Learning showed a comprehensive guide of Totara Learn, the enterprise open source LMS, including what’s new in version 12. This highly interactive session gave attendees the opportunity to see a demonstration and to ask any questions about Totara Learn.
Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Another chance to join Chris Horseman, Managing Director at Engage in Learning and Alexandra Wilson, Senior Account Manager as they look at why recognising and challenging unconscious bias is vital for all Managers and Talent Development professionals. See why the Engage in Learning courses will give leaders and front line staff the skills and confidence they need to ensure bias is designed out of the workplace. Ally will demonstrate excerpts from the Engage in Learning Unconscious Bias courses – including the soon to be released Unconscious Bias course suitable for all staff.
Identify and Challenge Unconscious Bias
Chris Horseman, Managing Director at Engage in Learning and Alexandra Wilson, Senior Account Manager looked at why recognising and challenging unconscious bias is vital for all Managers and Talent Development professionals. See why the Engage in Learning courses will give leaders and front line staff the skills and confidence they need to ensure bias is designed out of the workplace. Ally also demonstrated excerpts from the Engage in Learning Unconscious Bias courses – including the soon to be released Unconscious Bias On The Front Line.
Closing the Soft Skills Gap
Chris Horseman, Managing Director at Engage in Learning and Mark Edmonds, Account Director looked at why “soft skills” are needed in the workplace now more than ever, what a flexible management training strategy might look like and how Engage in Learning’s courses can be used as part of a total Management training solution. Mark demonstrated excerpts from the Engage in Learning Leadership Curriculum as well as a demonstration of Unconscious Bias and Effective Email courses.
Automate your induction process with Totara Learn and e-Learning you control
Mark Edmonds, Account Director at Engage in Learning, demonstrated how Totara Learn can be configured to totally automate your induction or onboarding process from the moment a new starter is entered on to your HR system to reports landing in a line manager’s inbox. Imagine not having to manually enrol new starters on each element of their induction programme, or sending out joining instructions or compiling spreadsheets of completion results for line managers. Our LMS expert will walk you through how Totara Learn can be configured to automate allocation, enrolment, reminders and reporting of all training, not just your induction. So, if you are considering your LMS options at the moment, join our expert Mark Edmonds to see the power of Totara Learn. Attendees had a chance to see how Engage in Learning put you and the learner in control of off-the-shelf eLearning. How can a Totara Learning Management System help my business?
Display Screen Equipment: risk assessments and business compliance
Engage in Learning’s Alexandra Wilson discussed Health and Safety (DSE) regulations which require employers to provide Display Screen Equipment risk assessments and to ensure that controls are in place. Alexandra introduced the risks of physical and mental health complications for employees that can result in working days lost, at considerable cost to both business and the economy, and with an engaging blend of discussion and practical demonstration also demonstrates the best route to ensuring business compliance and staff awareness through cost-effective and convenient online DSE training. View the Display Screen Equipment training course or view the webinar to the right.
General Data Protection Regulation: ensuring business compliance and raising staff awareness
Join Engage in Learning’s own Account Director, Mark Edmonds, as he discussed the fundamental changes to Data Protection Legislation for the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018, and how to maintain business compliance with staff training. Mark showed delegates to the key changes that will have an effect on businesses, large or small, and why it’s critical that staff need to be aware of, and prepared for these changes. He will outline through an engaging blend of discussion and practical demonstration the best route to ensuring business compliance and raising staff awareness through cost-effective and convenient online training. View the GDPR course.